再嚐白巧克力滋味? 邁阿密熱火是否會再次將威爺納入陣中?
Jason Williams may be Miami bound. At least he will be if Mike Miller or Dwyane Wade have anything to do about it.
威爺可能回到邁阿密陣中, 至少閃電俠典韋跟賣米是舉雙手贊成.
First, Wade was reported a week ago as having informed Heat management that he wanted to see Williams return. Wade and Williams were the starting Heat back court in 2006 when they won the title.
首先, 一週前小道消息指出典韋向邁阿密制服組說希望威爺回來, 06年熱火奪冠時典韋跟威爺是先發後場搭檔.
Now, Miller stated on his Twitter account that he would "love to have him. We'll see what happens." This came after Miller apparently had spoken to
Williams about joining him on the Heat. Miller, who is close to Williams because of their Florida Gators connection, may be tipping Miami's hand.
接著賣米在推特上也跟威爺告白, 說他想看到威爺來熱火, 在這之前賣米已經先去找威爺討論一起加入熱火的事宜, 順帶一提由於大學都是佛大一員, 賣米跟威爺交情匪淺.
It seems that everyone that has been courted, has subsequently received a contract offer by the Heat. This may very well be Miami's counter to missing
out on Derek Fisher.
熱火沒拿到湖人老漁, 如能像大家期盼地一樣搞定威爺的合約, 對熱火大有助益.
With options dwindling, the Heat should look to act quickly.
Keyon Dooling signed a two year $4.1 million dollar contract with the Milwaukee Bucks, eliminating a possible return in Miami for the Fort
Lauderdale native.
Williams would give the Heat a capable ball handler and former play maker. While his game doesn't have the flash it once did,
Jason is still a solid contributor on offense.
雖然威爺不再是一道白光快得讓你跟不上, 但他控球組織的功力仍足, 在進攻端的產出還是很犀利低.
He can run the attack and create scoring opportunities with his passing abilities.
he two big knocks against Williams coming back to the Heat are his age and his defense. While Williams did help Miami during the 2005-2006 season,
his game seemed to slip the following year.
年紀與防守是不利威爺回到熱火的兩大因素, 當熱火06年奪冠後, 威爺的比賽狀態似乎緩緩地衰退中.
Williams spent 2008-2009 out of the league, then made a return with Orlando, serving as Jameer Nelson's back up. In this years playoffs he struggled guarding Rajon Rondo. Then again, who didn't?
這傢伙08-09年退休去, 接著在奧蘭多復出當尼二嬸的替補, 在季後賽碰上軟豆吃足苦頭, 不過話說回來, 現在誰碰上軟豆可以佔到便宜?
Regardless, it looks like a reunion may be in the works. Miami figures to be looking to sign either Williams or Carlos Arroyo, with Allen Iverson as a big long shot.
不管如何, 熱火簽回阿洛尤或威爺這兩位老朋友的其中一位是比較可行,
Another potential Heat target seems to also be off the board, as Matt Barnes is apparently headed to Toronto.
With Barnes off the market the chances increase of Miami making a play for either Tracy McGrady or Jerry Stackhouse.
沒拿到巴恩斯的話, 踢麥跟史代課老師來熱火的機率似有升高之勢.
編按: 呼~ 最近都在忙新工作的事, 除了籃球邦固定的一言興邦會邀稿之外, 感覺很久很久沒有碰過籃球稿了...此篇外電臆測成分居多, 順手翻翻...參考看看就好啦, 倒是這網頁有舉辦一個網友投票問鄉民: 威爺/阿洛由/AI三人中, 誰最值得熱火簽下來? 威爺得到了五成以上網友的愛~